
11 Sep 2020

NOTE: This repository contains the source code and demonstration notebook for Facón.

Facón is an experimental python library for subdividing a GeoDataFrame of administrative boundaries into a new GeoDataFrame of approximately equal area zones with evenly distributed centres constrained by the boundaries of the original geometries. A target area in metres squared is used to determine how many subdivisions should be created. It was developed in collaboration with Sebastián Anapolsky.

Working with subdivisions

Administrative boundaries are typically driven by a need to maintain an approximately equal population in each area while maintaining spatial contiguity (i.e. no gaps between the zones). These constraints can lead to administrative areas that vary greatly in area (m2).

Greater London boroughs, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires comunas

Transport analysis in contrast tends to take a regular (square or hexagonal) grid as its starting point, creating a set of zones of equal area with an equal distance from the centre of one zone to the centre of the next.

These two approaches to subdivisions conflict when, for example, carrying out studies into the relationship between social indicators from census data and the time/cost of travel.

A hybrid solution

Facón proposes a hybrid solution, creating approximately equal area zones with approximately evenly spaced centres that nevertheless respect the original administrative boundaries. It uses K-Means clustering to define the subdivisions and their centroids and voronoi regions to create the boundaries. It benefits from the fact that K-Means creates a predefined number of clusters (here determined by dividing the area (m2) of the administrative zone by the desired target area (m2) of the new zones) that are approximately circular.

Greater London boroughs, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires comunas subdivided


It was inspired by two prior pieces of work: